Rain, rain's stayin a while....

My mom put the whole house on a diet >.<


Brandon and Mom are on the iet to lose weight, I'm on the diet that way I don't bring yummy foods into the house to tempt them and to make me eat healthier.

Needless to say I'm having withdraw symptoms SERIOUSLY I'VE NEVER GONE THIS LONG WITHOUT ANY SUGAR/COFFEE xD

But my Grandma's got me covered ;D she heard about how I wasn't going to be allowed to eat ANY sugar so she went out and bought Wonka chocolate and gave me a big chunk xD but I can only have some at her house or else Mom while find out o_o

Anyways, it's been raining non-stop since yesterday morning, there were HUGE tornado warning and all that, it was pretty funny. No amage was done in our town but in Stoughton there was a lot of damge which is pretty funny because that's the only place that actually got hit even though there were a million and one funnel clouds, Stoughton ALWAYS gets the bad weather!!

They say the storm is supposed to last until Sunday night... so I shouldn't be saying everything's fine and dandy just yet.... We still have 48 hours of bad weather. The power went out yesterday for a while and I hope it doesn't go out again today because I really don't feel like changing the time on all the clocks again heehee.

Yuppers... but that's Wisconsin for you xD

If you serioulsy just read through all my BLAH BLAH BLAH I love you :P
July 23rd, 2010 at 03:35pm