oh man.

So, I have work in two hours and I've only had about three hours sleep.
I FULLY planned to go to sleep at this party last night at a sensible time, I had a place to sleep (tent) and my sleep bag all ready but nooooo I end up getting very, very drunk and distracted and not getting to bed untill 5am (and even then I could sleep cause someone had their iPhone out and they were watching FAMILY GUY and it kept making me laugh, srsly that show is still funny even when you can see it).

I know EVERYONE says this but I am seriously thinking about not drinking anymore. Well if I can't do that at least cut down A LOT. It is always so fun at the time but the next day it isn't just the hangover that makes me feel shit. I feel like a crappy person too, embarrassed mainly.

Also whenever I makeout with someone at a party I NEVER talk to them about it afterwards because I just really, really don't want to come across as the crazy girl who thinks that a drunken makeout session is love cause I really don't. But what if this guy does like me but because I sort of blow it off like it was no big deal (even if deep down I did really kinda like him) to save face (or whatever) he'll be scared off.

but hey, last night wasn't even that bad (I've had worse). There were ups and doooowns.
but man is work gonna be a bitch tonight.

ps. I LOVE YOU ALL AND I WILL NOT BE DRUNK MIBBA-ING ANYMORE (like yesterday), not cool -__-
July 23rd, 2010 at 05:24pm