Yoko Ono Is Following Me On Twitter!!! (And You Should Too!)

Don't anyone dare burst my bubble here. I am soo excited and surprised. Yoko freakin' Ono is following me on Twitter. This is me!

I've never had any contact with anyone famous since I was ten and stepped on Travis Best's shiny shoes while he sat next to me at a Pacer's game. So I'm a little deprived of celebrity interaction.

I've found another thing to add to my 'Things to do before I die' list. I want to attend Comic Con and dress up, probably like some obscure superhero. I want to show everyone how big of a geek I really am.

It's really freakin' hot outside. I saw some idiot trying to bake cookies on the dashboard of his car. It looked like it was actually working. I hope it's not 110 degrees when my family and I go to Chicago to see Bon Jovi in concert.

Speaking of Bon Jovi, my mom is a big fan. And she was a large crush on Jon Bon Jovi like most adult women because he's hott. And I kinda agree; he is...for an older man. My mom is also a fan of Usher. So bad that when I went to change the radio station when one of his songs was on, she slapped my hand away. My mom is awesome.

Here's a Bon Jovi video. It's from the early 2000's I think.

1. What was your last celebrity moment?
2. Is hot where you are?
3. Does your mom having anyweird crushes
4. Do you like Bon Jovi or Usher?
July 24th, 2010 at 04:20am