Is it true what the say about men who wear tight pants?

I don't know who said it. But someone said that men who wear tight pants can loose their ability to make babies...

IS that true?

Every guy I know wears tight pants.

Hell, cowboy's wear tight pants.

The human race is in big trouble.

You would think that after hearing about it, men would just stop wearing them, but nope not them they think they need to or something.

One of my friends, who I just asked about tight pants, he said that he wears them to....How do I put this?

He wears them to enhance his fetchers, shall I say.

You know, I remember when everyone was wearing baggy jeans with holes in them. now everyone is wearing tight ass pants with no breathing room.

I myself have many pairs of tight jeans, but I don't think it will mess up my baby making stuff.

How the hell does it mess up the guys...stuff?

I don't know if I wanna know...

All I know is, is that someones gotta have a talk with men in this world.

This was a very odd Journal, I bet your glad its over.
July 24th, 2010 at 09:27am