I hate childish adults!

I'm not complaing about something my parents won't let me do or stuff like that.

My dad is like..... a bully.

He calls my mom gordies (means fat girl in spanish and shes not even fat) or calles her a b[it]ch when they are fighting when its his fault for getting drunk and taking a taxi to a club when he know money is tight.

He doesn't have a job really, and he says that all the money is his money.

Hello! News flash, your wife works as a soldier and your broke!

He also teases my little brother all the time like a bully he calls him a baby [he's 10] or a girl and he know my brother is basically hanged on to him for acceptance.

My brother once cried to me sayin he just wanted my dad to say thank you or he was a good boy just once.

My brother is startig to get angrier and agressive and I'm kind of worried.

My mom is slowly starting not to care anymore.

In public my dad acts like that.

He's really I guess racist and said if i dated anyone black he would snap my neck [I'm sorry no offense]

So I guess thats it.

I also hate it like this hasn't happened to me but I heard of it.

A guy took $300 dollars off his 11 year old sons account because he was flat out broke with no job and the guys wife was the one working.

Okay so question:

1.What are you doing?
2. How was this? do you agree?
3. What time is it where you are at?
4. Do you have any journals?
5. Any websites you reccomend?
6. Do you just hate someone so much you can't stand looking at them?
July 25th, 2010 at 02:09am