I'm so excited! 8D (my very own nerd entry)

It has been confirmed!* James Cameron (my least favorite director) is re-releasing Titanic in 3D! It has a set date for Spring 2012, just in time for the 100 year anniversary of the sailing and sinking of the original Titanic (D=).
I love this movie so much! I am beyond excited! Especially since I never had the chance to see it in theaters when I was a kid.
You see, my dad was against letting me see a pg13 movie at the age of seven, so instead of seeing the movie like everyone else I became completely obsessed with the ship itself. I spent five years of my life devouring anything that had to do with the Titanic. I read every single book about the Titanic that we have at our local library, many of them more than once! My father even bought me this really cool Titanic game that was a mystery but I loved it because you could explore the ship. I knew that ship up and down, to this day I can still close my eyes and imagine myself walking though the ship.
Of course when I saw the movie I was absolutely amazed at the elegance they were able to portray. I wasn't, to be honest, really into the love story. It seemed really likely to fail if the ship hadn't sunk. But oh the scenes of the ship! <3

So yeah, I'm excited 8D

Lately, I have actually been thinking about writing a story about zombies on the Titanic. However, I'm not sure if anyone would want to read this. It is, after all, a little bit of bad taste but it also kind of sounds like it could be full of win. I'm so torn on the matter!

So, my fellow Mibbians I have a few questions for you:
1. Will you watch the re-release of Titanic in theaters or do you think it is a dumb idea (if so, why)?
2. What do you think of the movie?
3. Given the chance, do you think Jack and Rose would have lasted in their relationship?
4. What has you excited at the moment?
5. And, last of all, what do you think of my story idea? Should I do it? Would you read it? Why or why not?

July 25th, 2010 at 08:26am