Whoah. <3

Hmm well i for some reason felt the need to have a journal out. This is my first (may be my only) let's see how this goes shall we?

Hmm well i guess i will write about, how i miss being a kid. I miss going to my cousin's house everyday ( while i was too young to be in school) and how we'd play hotwheels and play with pokemon cards and fake toy guns.
I miss when i would go to school and almost everyone in my class would say hello and on those days when i would forget my snack at recess someone was always nice enough share<3
I miss not having to stress about grades, exams, and drama.
Oh and how you had such big fields to play in! And when i would fall and barley get hurt but yet i stilled balled my eyes out. And story time! cant forget story time!

I loved how it was so easy to make friends because no body judge you, all they cared about was having a friend!(: mann little kids have it pretty easy.
But im growing upD: something we all have to do, but no matter, I will always just be a kid at heart, always!<3
July 26th, 2010 at 01:52am