Wait a minute, what?

Borders. My favorite place in the world. A literary haven where I can curl up in a chair by the window, open a good novel and ignore the world. Although, I get annoyed by young adult literature. It just irks me, and I have no interest in that entire section. But that's my only issue, and that I can stay away from and ignore. This, I can't ignore. This just makes me violent.
I spent most of a summer reading Anna Karenina once. I was pretty young so it took me a while to finish it because it was above my comprehension, but I wanted to read it and understand it anyway. I enjoyed it, and love it even more as my literary standpoint matures. It was just a really good book. I also read Pride and Prejudice when I was around that same age. It was the only romance novel I ever enjoyed. It makes me so intensely angry that these new books are cropping up. I have only seen two and they are "Pride Prejudice and Zombies" and "Android Karenina". This my fellow Mibbians, is a hideous abomination.
Whoever these so called authors are, they are pretty much defiling classics. I read Pride Prejudice and Zombies, and it was only good because these people copied the writing style almost to a tee. And it just makes me so angry because they took the story lines that the original authors came up with and made their own and just twist it to their stupid idea. It's pretty disgusting to me because of the immense respect I have for published authors, and classic writers. If you have to steal someone else's story to write your own book, then you shouldn't write. Simple as that.
July 26th, 2010 at 03:39am