Comic Con. Gerard Way and Ryan Reynolds and Will Ferrall oh my!

I love living in San Diego because the Comic Con is here. I saw so many people it wasn't even funny. On Friday I was in the Hard Rock hotel and the whole cast of Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World like Michael Cera and Johnny Simmons. I got too starstruck to ask for a picture though. I also saw Landon Pigg and the cast from The Other Guys Will Ferrell, Mark Wahlberg, and Eva Mendes. On Saturday I met and took a picture with James Marsters aka Spike from Buffy. I also saw a never before seen trailer of the 7th Harry Potter movie and Tom Felton aka Draco Malfoy. And the first trailer of The Green Lantern and Ryan Reynolds was there! The whole cast from The Vampire Diaries walked past me too. Today, on Sunday, I saw Gerard Way and kind of chased him a little to get a picture. i Also walked past the guys from Supernatural..It was awesome! I saw the Phineas and Ferb hour episode that doesn't come out until August 2nd. Its been an eventful Comic Con that I can't even remember everything! I can't wait until next year!!

p.s. i posted pictures!!
July 26th, 2010 at 04:00am