photography? :3

Hey guys. None of you know me. Because I haven't been on mibba for a very long time. And when I do go on, it's only to browse some stories.
I like photography. Alot. I'm not that great but I'm improving.. slowly (: I think I might want to get into it professionally after high school. But from what I've heard it's really difficult to make a solid living off of it. Some people say go for it, and others say to choose something else. I am so confused.

But I guess thats what being a teenager is. I don't need to know what I want to do now anyways. Hopefully.

So, my questions for you guys are:
1. Are you a photographer? (: If so, do you plan to make it your career?
2. Do you know what you want to be?
3. Have any advice for me about career choosing?
4. Do you go on D: ?
5. Because I do! :D

Also, feel free to whore. Stories, OR if you have some photography, I would love to check it out :D.
July 26th, 2010 at 05:26pm