Stereotypes / Cloudy-ness / Questions


So, my ex-girlfiend and I were talking and I asked her why she liked me if we were soo different. [At school people looked at us as emo / scene girl is dating the prep girl] I told her the whole stereotype thing that people were saying about us and how they never expected her to date someone who cut themselves, and she was confused.

I asked why she was so confused. She told me that, apparently, she had never noticed I cut myself or acted "emo / goth" as people labeled me, and I often did myself. I was confused and asked her how she never noticed that I looked like the stereotype and she looked like her own stereotype. She told me that she didn't believe in stereotypes and such, which might explain to me why she ended up dating me. (That sounds kinda weird for me to say because I did like her despite the whole us being completely opposite thing. She was actually the person to change my mind a bit on stereotypes. I realized not everyone is gonna act their "stereotype" and some people fake stereotypes to hide who they are underneath for fear of what people ACTUALLY think of them.)

She actually was depressed a few times during out relationship and cut herself over it, which surprised a lot of people who called her a prep. I didn't know if I wore off on her in a bad way, if she was trying to prove stereotypes are stupid because anyone can pretend to be something but act totally different, or what.


So on another note, today is cloudy and then sunny, and then cloudy again. Everytime it is all cloudy I'm super tired and anytime it is sunny, I'm all awake because the sun is hurting my eyes and such. (Rain makes me sleepy, too!) :)

I've got nothing to do and have been trying to work on my stories but I'm super tired and when I go off and looked for something to do I'm all awake because of the sun! So I go back to my room settle in a comfy blanket and begin to write and end up sleepy, once again, because clouds have covered my room where sun comes in!

Gr! Frustrating much?! Well, QUESTION TIME!! :)

1) Have you dated someone outside of your "stereotype"?

2) What do people stereotype you as?

3) Do you believe in stereotypes?

4) Does cloudy / rainy weather make you sleepy?

5) Any other kind of weather bother you like sunny / sloudy weather bothers me?
July 26th, 2010 at 08:55pm