Inception (<3), questions, and the new Avenged album.

So, on a side note, I feel like getting to know a few people tonight, so if you've not spoken to me before or we just haven't spoken in a while, message/comment me! :D

Today, I went to see Inception for the second time. Bear in mind I've never been to see a film at the cinema more than once. I've not once thought anything was that good. But Inception is, and me and Jim (my best friend of five years) went to see it again today. He hadn't seen it before, and was literally on the edge of his seat by the end, haha. The reaction at the end was the same as when I saw it the first time; literally everyone in the cinema gasped simultaneously. I WANT TO KNOW IF THE DAMN BEYBLADE THING FALLS OVER GODDAMNIT!
But yeah, if last time I saw it the atoms in my mind got blown into protons, neutrons and electrons, then this time those particles got blown into quarks and gravitons. It's actually that brilliant.

But it's not all good... I heard the new Avenged album today, and to be honest, it's shocking. It has a couple of good songs (Danger Line, the title track) but mostly it's just a huge disappointment. And to be honest, it's the absence of Rev that does it. They're just not the same without him. The drums used to tie it all together. It was what made him the best drummer in the world. Now they just keep time. And it just ruins the feel. The new drummer's in Dream Theater for God's sake, I expected better than what he does on this album. Syn, Zacky, Shadows and Johnny are as good as ever, but they just aren't that good as a whole any more. Overall, a huge disappointment.

1) Heard the new Avenged album? If so, what do you think?

2) Up for a game on MW2, Halo or something on 360 sometime?
My 'Tag's AvengedSamForce, on a side note.

3) Up to much this week?

4) Care to explain Integration by parts to me?
July 26th, 2010 at 11:21pm