Do you believe in yourself? / The truth about writing

So, how many of us on here don't always belive in the things we write? A few of us, maybe most of us, and in some cases, we are all super confident in our work. How many of us want writing to be our career in life? A few this is just a "fun time" on mibba, some of us this is a place to where we can put our work and feel praise for it, but for other's this is sort of a test. "A test?" you probably are thinking right now. Yes, most of us feel that if we can't make it on a we aren't as good at writing as we believed.

It is is partially true, but I know plenty of poets and writers in hisotry whose work wasn't thought to be good, but after they died it all became famous. In my opinion, I wanna be a writer of today's time, not after my time. I don't want to write stories that people will love after I'm dead. I want people to love what I write now. Which brings me to another topic! But questions first!!

1) How do you feel about your writing?
2) Do you believe in yourself when it comes to writing? Do you always feel this way?
3) What kind of things would make you feel better / even better about your writing?


So how many of us have noticed that the most popular stories to the world are those that follow the trends. Such as, vampire stories. If you've noticed anyone who does a fan fic on Twilight will get hits. Does this mean your story is awafully amazing? Not always. Usually it means you are either a good writer or people just really love Twilight. The sad truth about writing is that not everyone is interested in what some writer's are interested in. You may write about something that very few people like, while other writer's write about what more people like. Does this mean you change your interests? Well, no.

This just means that you have unique tastes and the people who like to read your books really are a rarity and appreciate your writing. You've given people something just like the other writer's have. They may be the writer's to follow the crowd, but they have it the hardest. The criticism of millions, the people pleasing atmosphere, and even the stress that is beyond both of those stresses; plus plenty more where that came from. So, truth betold, there are both benefits and disadvantages to being a "famous" writer and a "rare" writer. The truth about writing is mostly that, "We all have tastes in this world, and a writer for each category."

1) Would you change your writing style for the popularity of the world?
2) What IS your writing style? (Gore, Teen, Drama, Fanfic, Songfic, Tragedy, Comedy, etc.)
3) Favorite author? (on Mibba or out in the writing world.)
July 28th, 2010 at 07:56am