Breaking Dawn

Whenever this book first came out, I read a bit of it. I borrowed my friend's book, well ex-friend I suppose. I gave it back without finishing it (something I NEVER do mind you) and she asked me how it was and I told her that I thought it was bad. Breaking Dawn is perhaps 500 something pages and she took it to my head. Freaking crazy blondie.
But that's not the point here. Her exploding isn't what I'm saying, because it's water under the bridge. It's that I finally finished the diabolical novel, this time borrowing it from my brother's girlfriend. I picked up right where I left off and went straight through to the back cover. My opinion hasn't changed. I still think that Breaking Dawn is the worst book of the series I didn't like anyway. And fans that may be reading this may wonder why I read it when I knew I didn't like it. It's so I could have a set opinion instead of going off half cocked and actually know what I'm talking about when I say I don't like it.
I'm not a fan of Meyer's writing in the first place. It doesn't make me think and it doesn't challenge my mind. But this one seemed to be even worse than the rest. Instead of taking the advancement I thought she would as she wrote more and more, she kind of went backwards. There were little bits I thought sounded good, but little excerpts certainly aren't the saving grace of any book.
I've heard this book called "glorified fanfiction". And while I think that may be a little harsh, I must agree. When I think on what I read, I didn't feel like I was reading an actual novel. So many things just didn't make sense. I kept tripping over plot holes and trying to find out what was missing. I don't like it when books make me guess.
The one thing that really made me feel like I was reading fan fiction was the whole pregnancy thing. I've read a lot of half assed fan fictions that just threw in random things to make something resembling a plot and this was really reminiscent of these stories. I got fed an explanation for the pregnancy and it just confused me further. I'm not going to go into it because I just don't know how to word it. It even sounds made up to me.
So, I finally finished the series and came to the definite conclusion that I don't like a bit of it. I see why it's popular and I can see why people like it but I just don't. The writing didn't challenge me, I didn't have to think or figure anything out unless I hit one of the huge plot holes. Maybe that's another reason why it's popular. It's easy reading. I don't know, that's just my random thoughts. And if you're a fan and don't agree with me, while I know some of you are completely cool with other opinions, I know some aren't, so please keep comments or responses civil. Please and thank you. ?
July 28th, 2010 at 07:08pm