I have reached my breaking point

Apprently according to my friends I seem innocent and sweet. But two of my old friends pushed me over the edge by yelling at me every day. They scared my and pushed down my self esteem. My best friend told me she saw a big difference in who I am. I was sad, and anngry all the time. Over the summer I began to let them go. I got an amazing boyfriend. My best friend whom I love till the end of forever are hanging out more. And I'm a lot happier. With myself, and everything I do. But recenly they began messaging me messages on how they messaged EVERYONE I KNEW no exaggeration, asking who my boyfriend is, and why I am not hanging out with them everyday like I used to. Even the people who knew nothing about it. And of course the only side of the story told was theirs.... so now every one mad at me and today I saw on my 21 questions on facebook that people are answering that I'm a liar. Friends stopped texting or contacting me! What do I do?! Please help me!
July 28th, 2010 at 07:43pm