
It's amazing what a sliver of hope can do. It can change your entire perspective of life; give you those butterflies in your stomach, make you laugh in darkness. Perhaps I'm being a bit dramatic, but it's what hope does!

Until recently, it was engraved in my head that I would be moving with my parents over 700 miles away. Considering my boyfriend of over a year and a half lives here, I'm not taking it too well. I haven't told them how much I dislike this idea, because I was brought up not to question authority. So, I've stayed silent.

My Aunt currently resides a few states away, and she wants to move back. She has put an offer down on a house and the owner has excepted the offer. All that's left is for the back to give the okay, and it's hers. If my Aunt does get the house, she said I could move in with her. She would have no one there, since she doesn't think her bastard of a husband is going to come with her, and her ungrateful son is currently out of the question. I don't want her to be alone, and we get along perfectly. My Mom talked to my Aunt, and in that conversation, my Mom mentioned that I don't want to go with them. So I've somehow given off a sign. How, I don't know. My Aunt has given my boyfriend and I hope. Something we haven't had for as long as we've been together. We've been preparing ourselves for my departure, and it has been anything but easy. If my Aunt doesn't get the house, she's going to keep looking.

Hope comes in strange and sometimes very unexpected ways. Hold onto it for as long as it's there. This is an amazing change of events, and it better stay! Thank you for reading this, and comment if you like. Tell me your own stories or say something on mine. XD Thank you!
July 28th, 2010 at 08:32pm