The crazy Goth rappers

So, I ride the train to and from work, other then the day by day hot guy, something crazy has to happen, well that came last Monday.

So, this one is walking to my station and three goth kids walk by and one of them is making a cool beat. By now I am thinking hope they are on my train today. So I get to my platform, number 9 (and yes I have looked for platform nine and three quarters not there) and the same three kids stand right beside and the one making the beat stops.

The train arrives and thank wizard god there is and empty cart. I sit in the empty seat, fallowed by the goth boys. The kid making beats starts up again, but not only him the one next to me starts to rap. At this point in time I am freaking out over how beast this is and happy i felt work early.

So what did we learn today, that goth kids are nice and fun to hang with, and are amazing rappers!
July 29th, 2010 at 12:22am