yes, Im a story ***, no big deal! huge deal....Im 21 in less than two weeks!!!

ok so first things first. Wow I am 21 in a few weeks and it is quite scary. the downside of this is? All my pals are on holiday so it is going to be a lame birthday. On the plus I have a trip to Wales to look forward to in september, a spa day to look forward to and plenty of gifts.

on side note my keyboard sucks. Meh!

Secondly. Has anyone who reads this read my story Jasmine? If you have could you take a peak at it's sequel The dark twins? I would like to know if I should continue the idea or just drop it. If you haven't well it is up to if you want to read it.

Completely random but how do you get over a crush on your friend?
July 29th, 2010 at 12:11pm