

Yesterday I ate more then the 27th. XP
On weekends I usually sleep until 2pm, cuz I stay up late
But for soccer season, I have to get up at 6am for weightroom training...
Normally, I skip breakfest without a thought, sometimes lunch too
But when your alone in the house with nothing to do, hunger kicks in.

Last Sunday I went to Mercede's sister's 16th B-Day Rave Party.
It was at her camp wayyy out of town.
My best friend is becoming a whore.
Brittany was my best friend since kindergarten.
She came over everyweek, we spent everymoment together
Now, I don't know.

She got her bellybutton pierced - her parents dont know
Some other tramp did it for her. It's now infected. Shocker.
Every "hot" guy that comes along, she flirts like crazy
Yet she complains when a girls even walks by her boyfriend.
Her boyfriend and other friends are bad, they're not virgins at the age of 14.
She smokes weed/pot now.
What happened to my little britt brat?

Today Im gunna find new piano sheetmusic, dunno what song I wanna learn yet.

I ate a bagel this morning, with a tiny bit of peanut butter. About 200 calories.
People say that dieting women who eat breakfest weigh less than who don't
Plus you're not as hungry around lunchtime
It NEVER bothered me for skipping breakfest for the past 2 years
It feels like taking a step back
But what the hell, Im hungry.

At least I don't smoke. Or drink. Or have sex. Or make myself puke.
July 29th, 2010 at 03:51pm