Lizzie McGuire: Dear Lizzie

"Dear Lizzie,
My little sister is incredibly annoying. She goes through all my stuff, she listens in on my phone calls and is a total pain. But my parents think she's totally adorable. What do I do?
I Want To Be An Only Child"

That email was a pretty great start for Lizzie's advice column, and her advice - suggesting that Parker get a lock for her room and look for an out-of-state college - sounded pretty neat, too.

I like this episode; it's really cool, and advice columns are pretty neat too! :)

Plus, I like how, in the episode, the people who email Lizzie with their problems use really good nicknames.

Here are some of them: Parker McKenzie (I Want to Be an Only Child), Claire Miller (Clean Tween), Veruca (Fed Up), Ethan Craft (More Than Good Hair), Kate Sanders (Baffled Beauty), Larry Tudgeman (The Captain with No Shipmates), and Gordo (Confused Guy).

It's not clear whether Ethan, Kate and Larry actually wrote to Lizzie, or if she was just imagining it. I myself believe she was just imagining all those bad results that would happen because of her replies to their queries.

Anyway, I think this is a good episode. After all, advice columns are very popular. There's Dear Abby, for one. I like that column, and the advice I read in it is so cool! :)

What do you think of this episode?
July 29th, 2010 at 10:11pm