Paul Gray RIP

Ok, well for a starter, Slipknot are my number one favourite band always have always will. I've always said if they spilt up or one of them die, I will cry for weeks on end. My heroes are Paul Gray and Corey Taylor
Paul Gray - because he is an amazing bass player and he is awesome
Corey Taylor - because he is hot and an amazing vocalist.

Now, my subject of this journal is Paul Gray.
May 24th 2010, my world shattered into a million and one pieces, Paul Gray had passed away in a hotel in Iowa, because of drugs. Yes, I know he was/is a drug user and was arrested once for possessing drugs in his car. I know he wrote most of the Slipknot songs and is one of the founding members along with Joey and Clown. And even though they started the band in 1995 - when I was born - I turned to them 8 years ago and I've been there every step of the way.
Such as when All Hope is Gone was released in 2008, I brought it the day it came out, and it is one of the band albums they've made. And I've been lucky enough to see them perform live twice - once in Sheffield - the second one at Download Festival 2009 - I am a dedicated Slipknot fan. My walls - you've guessed it - are covered from ceiling to floor with Slipknot articles, posters, little cut-out things, but there is a few Bullet For My Valentine, Avenged Sevenfold and Bring Me The Horizon posters aswell.

Paul was married to his wife Brenna and they are expecting a daughter, my thoughts go out to Slipknot and his wife. I cried when I found out he passed, I cried for a week straight and I had to go home from school once because I was such a state, my friend Sam - who is supposed to be a Slipknot fan said "I don't see the point in crying" I couldn't believe him.
And now whenever I'm out with my friend Adam, he always brings up the episode I had with Richard (another friend) who decided to look at the poster of Paul on my wall and say "aww, Paul Gray died" well, it did have his date of birth and date of death on there. And whenever Adam brings up that episode, I go silent and depressed. No - one knows how much Slipknot mean to me.

I watched the Kerrang! Awards earlier, and Paul Gray got an award for something, can't remember what, but I broke down crying when I saw him on screen, I knew it would be Slipknot when Corey Taylor (who hosted it) said the date 1995.

But I'm very happy that Slipknot may be making another record, I think Chris will take Paul's place on Bass because Chris can play bass.

Also, when I'm 16, my mum said I can get a tattoo, and I'm either going to get a portrait of Paul on my leg or I'm getting his date of birth and date on my arm.

RIP Paul, I miss you so much. The world seems so much smaller without you. And thank you for being in Slipknot, you are truly an amazing bassist and a great guy. I miss you and love you.
July 30th, 2010 at 10:54pm