Dear Mibba,

I hate how it's so hard to get your stories and ideas out there.
I hate how someone's sex expresses how many comments they'll get.
I hate how everyone's so goddamn vain and judgmental
I hate how everyone's a fucking Avenged Sevenfold, All Time Low, Bring Me The Horizon, NeverShoutNever, Paramore or My Chemical Romance groupie.
I hate how everyone tries too hard to be different.
I hate how everyone ends up being exactly the same.
I hate how quick everyone is to start drama.
I hate how the more attractive people get the most attention.
I hate how some people don't even use correct grammar on here.
I hate how black hair and piercings seem to make everyone so individual.
I hate how people who actually try to write a story get no attention.
I hate how no one can be honest with constructive criticism.
I hate how people feel the need to be friends with everyone.
I hate how people think wearing skinny jeans and converse make them different.
I hate how some people think they're so deep for writing shitty poems about death.
I hate how no one actually gives a shit about what you have to say.
I hate how I can't have a deep conversation with many people.
I hate how girls attack guys at whatever chance they can get.
I hate how guys don't comment back girls if they're not attractive.
I hate how exclusive some people seem to be.
I hate how people think they're in love.
I hate how easy it is for people to not give a shit.
I hate how people are proud to label themselves as "scene" and "emo".
I hate how individual people get shut out.
I hate how posers are generally accepted.
I hate how people care too much about your personal life.
I hate how people honestly don't care about what's going on at home.
I hate how people actually pretend to care to get on your good side.
I hate how you'll think I've offended you.
I hate how you probably won't comment on this.
July 31st, 2010 at 01:46am