Jasmine chapter one- revamp

Well, after looking through my first chapter I have decided to redo most of it, adding a prologue to start with. I have been on Scribophile and have seen how poorly written my story actually is.

ok so here is what is happening.

1.Jasmine is getting a prologue.

This is essentially the first paragraph or so but since the writing style is different, I have decided to take it out of the actual chapter.

2.The blocks of description are being removed.

Yup that's right, I am cutting back on my blocky descriptions.

3. mystery is the game

I am trying to make this a mysterious chapter. You should not know who is who quite yet nor should you know so much about Jasmine.

4. That wood.

The wood is going to be described differently. I will also make it clear that the wood was much bigger than I have described it.

well that is it. I hope I don't disappoint people by changing it.
July 31st, 2010 at 01:46am