Wolves, Tumblr, School, and a Comment Swap.

This is the second time I'm trying to write this journal. Safari should quit crapping out on me.

If I could have any animal in the world, and it wouldn't kill me or anything, I would want a pet wolf named Fabio. He would have to have the ability to talk and we could go on crazy adventures together. I would probably ride on his back to school and he could carry me through the halls.

I've had a tumblr for a long time. Follow me.

School was interesting today. I had some big thing typed up, but now I don't feel like thinking again. I'll just go read instead.

My dog reminds me of a crippled Irish man in this picture.

Anyways, on to the stuff you care about.

One of my joint stories should be updated tonight, if my cowriter gets to it. -evil glare-

So, if you want, comment on Up In Flames.

If you've already read/comment that, then you can do A Reason to Love instead.

BEFORE YOU POST, please be aware that this is a comment swap. Not a leave your story for me to read, post on, and never get the favor returned. I don't have the time or patience to mess around with people who aren't going to return the favor. Besides, it is a swap which means things are being exchanged. We both walk away from here with a new comment. Comprendo?
July 31st, 2010 at 04:15am