So, after seeing this one journal posted by a fellow Mibbian and seeing so many Christians getting their panties in a bunch about “god” my best friend and I have decided to give you guys a bit of insight into our believes.

Here are our top five reasons as to why being atheist rocks:

Reason1: Never having to worry about whether or not some supreme being approves of what we do or who we are as human beings.

Reason2: Getting to set up our own boundaries.

Reason3: The church has been wrong so many times before that now everything has become questionable.

Reason4: Christianity(as well as any other religion) is just one huge scheme invented by some smart ass a couple thousand years ago who thought if he fabricated a lie realistic enough, he would be able to get weak-minded people to adore the ground he walked on.

Reason5: We get to live our life to the fullest; never once having to look back and having regrets.

Alright, now for the tips. So you guys know how some of those religious freaks come knocking at your door trying to shove their believes down your throat? And no matter how many times you tell that you are Christian (or w/e) they never leave and they keep telling you about how great this “god” is? Well, fear no more. All you have to say is “I’ atheist,” and give them either a cold stare or a huge smile. Trust me, both work just great. This is what I do. Or you could try my best friend’s approach. It’s pretty genius of an idea. Just hang up a sign, whether it be hand written or typed. You can even decorate it with sparkles and smiley faces or whatever else you find beautiful. All it has to say is “We Don’t Want to Hear About Your God/ Religion.” Anything else to that affect will work too, so, feel free to be creative. Heck, why not try to find something that rhymes, eh?

Last, but not least, my friend and I are heavy believers of a theory. The theory is that of Jesus
being gay. That is, if Jesus were real. In those times everyone was into having big orgies and whatnot, so who’s to say that he didn’t ever take part in one of those? Plus, that one painting, The Last Supper, by Leonardo da Vinci, makes him look pretty homosexual, just saying. Oh, I almost forgot, silly me, since when is Jesus white? Was he not born somewhere in the Arabian peninsula? He’s not suppose to be white, that’s for sure.
If you didn’t catch on, these last 2 paragraphs were complete sarcasm, in a way. But not really.

Awesome, thanks for read:)
July 31st, 2010 at 08:21am