I'm not the same as him, mum...

I suppose this is going to be a rant really...
But my mum and her partner are going off on holiday on Wednesday for two weeks and they're leaving me behind, home alone. I'm 17 so i'm old enough really to take care of things, and my grandma will be checking on me every few days.
But my mum won't stop yelling at me to tidy my room, otherwise she'll make me stay at my nans. She just won't let it drop! I think she thinks I'm just going to not do any housework over the time they're away. She thinks i'm gonna be like my brother and let food rot in the fruit bowls... and throw massive house parties.
I wish she would just trust me! I will never end up like my brother. she needs to understand this! But she won't. I've been in tears today... from arguments ive had with her about it. Its really doing my head in. :(
Also I'm going to University in a years time, so I NEED to learn to fend for myself! She just won't let me! Argh!

Anyways, on a different note.
I've just created a new writing contest: My Top 25 Most Played Writing contest.
It's not getting any recognision. Anyone want to join?
Or does anyone have any ideas how to get people to join?
July 31st, 2010 at 05:34pm