In or Out

The other day I was reading an article that says bubble skirts are so out. In my opinion I love bubble skirts and will always love them. Whether everybody likes them or not, won't make me change my mind on them. But, I am wondering how many of you still like bubble skirts or think that they are out like many people do today. So readers leave all the comments you want and tell me what you want me to journal about next.

The last journal I did was on Miley Cyrus: Growing Up Too Fast. Yes I know it's really over used but I needed to start out somewhere and I thought Miley was the perfect spot. Now for people who read that journal, don't think I am hating on Ms. Cyrus. Because that is the total opposite. I love her and her music. But I have a problem with her dressing and doing things like she does while still having a show on Disney. That's all. I am going to confess that i downloaded "Can't Be Tamed" on my Ipod right after I heard it for the first time. I loved it. I love Miley and I want her to grow. I know she will be sucsessful.

Again I would like to remind you to leave comments on the bubble skirts. Tell me if you, in your opinion think they are in or out. And then tell me what you would like me to journal about next. From the blogger who only tells the truth, $helby.
July 31st, 2010 at 09:20pm