I need new friends.

I really needed somewhere to compain to the internet and my friends follow me on twitter and facebook, so here is my mini rant, mibba.

So, I went to sleep last night looking forward to today, me and my two best friends were going to get our pictures taken for senor pictures and then we were going to a little huge thing were a whole bunch of bands play and there will be $1 band tees, and this is a one night thing.
I wake up to a text message from my friend (Sam) who was going to drive us to see the bands and it says "I don't think I'm going to drive, I just don't want the weight on my sholders unless Kristina can drive, we're not going". One: SHE DRIVES TO SPRINGFEILD ALL THE FREAKING TIME (which is where the bands are playing). Two: she waited til TODAY. Thanks for the notice, right? Three: Kristina can't drive, she doesn't have a car. I can't either, t hat would be illegal. SHE KNOWS THIS!
So, I'm mega bummed about that.
So, I rush to get ready, spend 30 minutes choosing what I'm going to wear, then another hour (atleast) getting ready to go to the pictures. Then, once I'm in my room getting my shoes on, I get another text saying she mixed up the dates and the pictures are next weekend, now I know that it is not Kristina's fault AT ALL, but still sucks.
I now have NOTHING to do and I'm all pretty and what not.

I soooooooooooooooooooooooooo need better friends.... GRRRRRR!
July 31st, 2010 at 10:42pm