It's Time For A Change.

Sooo, I'm starting to realize that a lot of the stuff I've been writing about in my journals have been sad and depressing....

I think it's kind of silly of me to only feel the need to write in my journal when I'm feeling bad about life. So that's why I'm writing this right now! Because right now, I couldn't be happier. I don't think I've ever been this happy in my life, and it honestly feels really great to be able to walk around all day with a smile on my face because, for once, everything in life seems to be going just right. This feeling is amazing, and I just feel like I have to share it with everyone around me and let them know that I'm actually enjoying life for a change!

I used to complain a lot because I've never really had many friends, but now I'm starting to realize that it's SO much better to have just a few extremely close friends than it is to have hundreds and hundreds of friends who you barely ever talk to. I really owe all of my happiness to all of my close friends. They've been there by my side through a lot of stuff and it makes me glad to know that they care so much about me. :) Although each and every one of my friends has helped me to be happy in some way, I believe that there is one person among all of my friends that has helped me in a way that none of the others could even begin to comprehend. His name's Allan. He's pretty much the most amazing person I've ever met and I know that we'll be friends forever, no matter what happens. Actually, nevermind. I know that we'll be BEST friends forever :) I'm happy. I'm elated. I'm ecstatic. It's actually quite funny how one person can impact your life in such a way that you know you'll never forget them, even if they were to disappear from you life the very next day.

August 1st, 2010 at 02:53am