
So as you know if you've read my last few journals my life it's all that happy most of the time. But! At least a couple good things have happened to me in the passed day or so. Well first me and my best friend made things right again. We both apologized and told each other how stupid we've been acting. Then Blake's mother decided that he couldn't live at home anymore because he's disabled and can't get a job…. Yeah I know that doesn't sound good right? Well it actually is because my mother, the evil bitch, did something good in her life for once and is letting Blake live with us! I'm not sure how long he'll be with us but I'm sure it will probably be one of the happiest periods of time in my life.

Blake is pretty much my other half as far as friends go, he's hilarious and hyper and never let's anything get him down. Despite all the hardships in his life he tries to stay positive the best he can. He has so much more to deal with than any of us and he still puts my problems before his. He tries to help me to the best of his abilities with my boyfriend and my parents, I've only known him for 2 years but he's the best friend I've ever had and I feel like I've known him since birth. We met in school it was my first day and I needed someone, and I got that someone. We were just about instantly friends, and I know it's gonna stay that way for quite sometime.

Blake I know you're reading this. I love you to death. :3... KISSY FACE!
August 1st, 2010 at 09:13pm