Leave Paris Hilton the hell alone

Na na na na na na na na RANT TIME! rant time!
[yeah batman themesong pretty much works for everything]

Ok, now i do realise you'll probably all hate me for this but oh well. Now ontot he topic, Paris Hilton. I do realise just the sound of her name would make the majority of you barf she's still human.
Paris Hilton has, in my opinion, been treated extremely unfair by the media. People have been riduculing her and laughing when she's bawling her eyes out and refusing to eat. What's funny abou that? No matter who it is, unless of course it's someone who deserves it.
People may say Paris does deserve it but that's a downright lie, what the hell did she ever do to you? At times, yeah she can be irratating and skanky but that is no grounds whatsoever to act the way people are.
She's crying and she wants her mother, people are calling her childish and pathetic for that when really shouldn't they be the ones being called pathetic. Paris wants her mom, whoopdedoo. Wouldn't you?
People don't grasp that she's used to luxury, you can't take someone used to luxury and dump them somewhere like jail and expect them to be able to deal with it. I'm not saying she shuoldn't be in jail, she should. She disobeyed the law she should go to jail, fair enough. but she shouldn't get this ridicule and mean comments.
She doesn't deserve it, no-one does.
Leave her be and let her serve out her sentence without horrid comments.
I know it's the media's job to report, the media needs Paris, they rely on Paris for things to write about because no-one cares about real news.
I'm not saying they shouldn't do their job. Sure they should report but they shouldn't be splashing photos of her crying and making comments that are cruel and mean, that's just not fair.
I'm not Paris' biggest fan but i believe in no cruelty without a very good justified reason and this is cruelty without reason so that is why i'm against it.
Thank-you if you happened to read this.


June 10th, 2007 at 06:14am