I Am Not Roughly 6 Feet Tall, Stfu! (Plus Questions!)

Actually I'm 5'10 at 14 so I kinda am.

I'm currently listening to Never Shout Never while I try to update my Oli story. You're probably thinking WTF? She's should be listening to BMTH if she's writing about them. But no. My story is cute not I'm going to slit your throat and use your blood as syrup for my pancakes.

The Smart Slug!?
Mom: Okay, get up slug. Your dad's coming home. Get dressed.
Me: He won't say anything.
Mom: Yes but a genius slug is a slug that can be a slug but not look like a slug. Therefore people don't believe it's a slug.
Me: Like a caterpillar?
Mom: .... Yes a caterpillar.

1. What's your favorite YouTube video at the moment?
2. Do you like when you get the goosebumps?
3. Have any cute one-shots I may like?(:
4. When does your school start again from summer break?
5. Give me a schmile! :D
August 2nd, 2010 at 11:31pm