Common Sense?!

Hello Whomever is reading this. I titled this common sense because that's what it is. All the things I'm saying in here only take common sense to understand. I don't know how many parts there will be to my Common Sense journals but there will be more than one. This journal is about Government spending and how outrageous it really is.

Before you start reading this you need to know that I am a PROUD and LOUD Conservative Republican. I am a 14 year old girl and I know my stuff. The main people I like are Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin(Kinda), Charles Payne and a few more. If you don't like it, don't read on and dont comment on here. I don't wanna here from liberal weenie's. Thanks, bunches! I also really dislike the president. No I'm not racist. Look at the people I listed that I like Charles Payne is black. Condolisa Rice is a black women.

So Common Sense?! To run America the land of oportunities. The place I love so much. You have tons of money. The national budget is what politicians call it. We are trillions of dollars in debt, trillions. That means we have no money to spend. In a household you have a budget if you make 2,000 dollars a month you sperate that out into you car payment, electric bill, food, apartment and anything you may need. If you have money leftover you will buy thinks you don't need but want. Then when you have no more money you can't spend anymore. Of course, you can out it on a credit card and pay that bill next month. But if you know you can't pay that bill the next month you will add up and add up and add up. On that same bill. If after a while you know, you truly know you can't pay all that money back then you have to stop.

But I guess if you are Obama, you can spend and spend and spend with no real knowledge of how to pay it back. If you are him and you are trying to screw our country you can spend and spend and spend. And spend. And spend. You have to know that to run a country's budget you have to run it how you would run your house. That's it. Common sense?! I'm serious that's all and then the economy would be better. Not bailing out businesses that are destined to fail. If you are going to fail, guess what, your going to fail. That's how we learn to grow stronger. Thats how we learn from our mistakes.

The next Common Sense?! journal will be about Martin Luther King Jr. and what he stood for and how his dreams are crushed and stomped on in today's world.
August 2nd, 2010 at 11:58pm