Today / "Vampires Suck"

Okay, I'll talk about my day because it turns out I have little to say about it, but I feel like talking about it just because.

Blech, I never noticed how empty a home can be when you miss someone. Not techincally the people who live there, though. My boyfriend went away to college, and recently my family (all except my dad) went to my grandmother's. Everyone found it odd that I wasn't automatically sad I would only see my boyfriend, who I saw (should that be "whom"?) 3 times a week, only once a month to 2 months. Now that I'm alone in my house for four and a half days (today is day 2) I feel like the emptiness reminds me of how empty I feel inside now that he is gone. It's not really even because he's gone, it's more that he is so different now that he is gone. He is always stressed, mad, upset, and more. He is gone, and the person who has replaced him seems to leave this giant void in me that is stuck because he's changed so much. It feels like the person who left me is not who may come back every time to see me. I'm not sure what to think most times about his changing, whether good or bad, but I wish there was a way to bring it up without an argument starting.

Any advice?

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SO, to get rid of my empty feeling, I thought I'd show you all what made me laugh today. It's quite hilarious if you ask me. I loved the Twilight Saga - more the books, but it was cool to see the movies. (The wolves were the coolest part / also the fight scenes)

But as I was writing the top half of this journal the trailer for "Vampire Suck" came on. My favorite thing is a parody of movies. Either written parodies or movie parodies, it's hilarious. The fact that so many things about Twilight can be mocked just made its parody so easy.

My favorite part is, and this is not because I'm a Jacob fan, but when Edward is in Italy about to get the Volturi's attention and Bella screams "Edward!" causing the Edward fan girl to come out and she screams that Edward is the best, so the Jacob fan girl comes out and says Jacob is the best - hitting the Edward fan with a shovel. XD AWESOME-NESS!

August 3rd, 2010 at 04:43am