It feels like i havent been on mibba in YEARS!!! :D im so happy to be back. in case you're wondering life is really good. the lack of drama is phenomenal. besides that, im a bit buggeyed at the moment having just spent- holy guacamole- SEVEN hours on the computer writing en extended one shot i needed to get off my chest.
i have had a burst of creativity over the past few days. its as if a muse bitch slapped me with an enormous hand of wake-up and demanded "WRITE, SLAVE OF CREATION!" so i did.
like i said, i just spent seven hours writing this extended one shot; its called The Alice for lack of a better name. i had a couple images or scenes in my head for a couple years and finally put it down in digital format. i hope you like it if you read it. Its a little dark though i warn you, but i did restrain myself.
On other news, im beginning a novel. I hope. I'll write a couple details on it some other time but i love it so much, im actually paranoid about someone stealing ti from me. But i will say that it is a realistic fiction based on the lives of Jamie and Lilly Cross, a married couple who are absolutely and madly in love with eachother. And fun fact, the husband, Jamie, is a writer. *gasp* i'm really dying to tell you guys more about it, but its gonna stay hush hush for a while. heh sorry, boys and girls.
well i look forward to a fruitful relationship with mibba once more, and i look forward to you my readers :3 i missed you guys.
so comment me if you want more of a particular story, or would like a little slip about my future book.

goodwritings my slaves of creation,

"Creativity is a drug I cannot live without."
-- Cecil B. DeMille
August 3rd, 2010 at 09:34am