I'm a mistake.

I really feel like crap.

There is this boy, Julius.
And I am incredibly fond of said boy.

And said boy is lovely. And brings me cheeseburgers while he's working. But he's happy. In a relationship. With A lovely lady. Whom I too, quite like and I wouldn't dare disturb this.

Butfuck, its hurting me again.

Someone told me to give up on him.

I said never.
I have no idea.

I'm confused.


My best friend needs me. She was there for me when I needed her, and now I need to be here for her. Even though I'm still not completely healed myself. And that took a long time. This is gonna hurt. But she's worth it, and so much more. I'd go through hell and back to make her happy.

But I'll be there and I'll never let her go. Because she means more to me than anything in this world.


Urgh. I'm so annoyed with you.


I miss my dad.
/cries in pain.
I reallyfucking miss my dad. My heart is breaking ever so slowly, cracking, every minute I am away from him. He is my world. He's the reason I'm here and apparently, I'm the reason he's still here. I need to see him. I miss him.


Dear Ella,
I love you beautiful.
I wish you so much happiness and love and fun in your life. I'd give you all of my happiness, love and everything, even if I meant I would be unhappy forever.

Please don't leave me.
Please forgive me for being such an ass all the time.


I hope you are okay.
I love you.


Hold on to me, and never let me go. </3yeah. right.
August 3rd, 2010 at 03:14pm