
Why don’t people do things “for the love of the game” anymore?

Kids are constantly being “benched” in all sports because they aren’t “good enough” they can’t “help us win.” Since when did sports become all about winning? I was under the impression that they were to have fun, that they were something that you played because you love it.

This has been an ongoing problem in almost everything we do. Two of my brothers were on baseball teams, because they love baseball and they wanted to play. My parents paid a lot of money for them to be on these teams and they just ended up being benchwarmers. My parents eventually pulled them out, but they were heartbroken.

I think it’s very important not to make people feel useless, or stupid, or not good enough. If your goal is to win, which it shouldn’t be, don’t break a kids heart by letting them be on a team and not play. That is seriously uncharitable and sometimes traumatizing for kids.

Lets start doing things because we love to do them, not because we want to win or prove we’re better than someone else. That’s prideful.

Please comment and tell me if I’m overreacting or not, because this really gets to me. Thanks! ?
August 3rd, 2010 at 07:43pm