Results day in 3 weeks... D;

So today is the 3rd of August, which of course means in three weeks, our results will be here. Thousands of people over the country, rushing to school to collect results that will make them scream with joy, sob, or most likely in my case go; “Oh, alright. I’ll take that.”
I have no idea what to expect. I hope I’ve done well, but that’s all I can do. Hope. Since when did that get anyone particularly far? Especially as my school is full of genii.

Then there’s the people who will do worse than me, but will be elated at their results, and I feel genuinely happy for them too. I share the happiness because they’ve done worse than me. I’ve done better than them. The people who do better than me, I don’t share their happiness. Not at all; it aggravates me. It ensues with me pitying and criticizing myself for being such a lazy ass.

I tried, I really did. I better have fucking aced that Geography exam because it’s easily my worst subject, and I revised so damn hard for it. I found those exams easier than my Biology; and that’s my best subject.

Although I think I did pretty badly on Biology. Good job it’s a combined effort of everything I’ve ever known in Additional Science. (Oh, I’m so cool for quoting Palahniuk loosely.)
I have an idea in my head of what would be a something to expect, the worst possible scenario, likewise the best. The worst I think I would achieve would be 3Cs, 5Bs, 1A. The best being 2Bs, 5As, 2A*.

I reckon I’d cry if I got any Cs. I would settle if I got one in French, but otherwise, no way Jose.
Plus my parents said I could get my nose pierced if I do well. Well to them is all Bs and above, which should be an easy enough task. Should be. But even if I did terribly my mum would let me have it done through sympathy.

As much as I want it done, I wouldn’t get my nose pierced if I do awfully. I’d look at it and it’d be a stupid reminder of my failure.

Anyway, this was just to vent and rant my very well hidden petrified state concerning the exams. I apologize for my bitter take on this. See ya, mibba.
August 3rd, 2010 at 09:17pm