Don't judge a book by it's cover

Ever heard the expression 'Don't judge a book by it's cover' well you shouldn't judge people by the way they look or sometimes even by the way they act around you. Because you don't know if that's really them. You don't know if they act the same around you as they do at home. You don't know what goes on in their life or what they've been through.

It's possible to hide your feelings but they never go away. They only build up and the longer they build up, the harder it is to keep from crying. A lot of people suffer from depression. Depression is caused by so many things like death of a family member, parents slitting up, getting picked on, bad parents, break ups, and many more.The hardest thing I think to do when you have depression is to hold on and wait for the day that everything will be okay. But some people can't. So they end their life or try to.

We all need someone to be there for us. That's where friends come in. Friends are the people we can talk to and they won't judge us but help us. They keep us strong and tell us things that some of us don't hear from family like 'I love you'. Some people feel unwanted because no one has ever told them or showed them that they are.

So next time you feel like hurting someone think before you do because they could have is worst then you.
August 4th, 2010 at 03:31am