Mibba Profile Layouts

I want an original, my own made not someone else, layout for my profile. I love re-decorating the background and parts of the Mibba original / default layout colors and such. BUT I see everyone with layouts other than the default that show everything, a.k.a. stories, poems, journals, articles, friends, about me, comments. I FINALLY learned how to get rid of all my comments and change what the "add comment" link said. Which says how almost clueless I am about the layout / css type thing here on Mibba and anwhere else. I learned HTML really quickly, but CSS is killing me.

Is there a tutorial, or a nice enough (patience is a qualification from this helper) person, that can help me out? I've seen layouts that are just a one color background, and a square in the middle of their profile with a darker / lighter color that matches, and then a huge banner and such. It SEEMS sooo simple, yet when I attempt to learn such a simple looking thing, it turns into some awful mess of jumbled words and coding on a page. Which means nothing if you know how codes work.

So help please?
August 4th, 2010 at 11:28am