Questioning Religion

Okay, so I am visiting my Grandparents in Ohio and they are regular church-goers, so I had to go with them. My family and I used to go to the Catholic Church regularly as well, but when we got a little too busy for our liking with soccer games on Saturday, church on Sunday, and something every other day of the week, we just eventually stopped attending church.

While I was listening to the pastor drone on and on today, something dawned on me: I have lost my belief in God. To be honest, I don’t know who or what I believe in. I have no flipping idea. But don’t go calling me an Atheist or something because I do believe in something, I just don’t know what exactly. See, I have been questioning some of these things for years, but I never really thought about what I believe. I’ve thought about how the world was created, did someone make it like people seem to believe, or did it just appear out of thin air? How was the first person born if there was no one there to birth it? And what about animals? I know and understand Darwin’s theory of evolution, which to me sounds similar to the theory of Pangea. Both of these theories make sense to me, but it could only occur after it all started. So how did it start?

Another thing I don’t completely understand is why people go to church. I mean, I get that they believe in that religion and they are supposedly “celebrating” it, but if you think about it they’re completely contradicting what they say they’re doing. In my opinion, you can pray at home by yourself. You don’t have to be surrounded by friends and strangers who also share the same beliefs in order to do that. If you look at in a different way, which is what I love doing if you couldn’t tell. I like looking at things from another person’s point of view, call me weird or whatever you want, but I beg you to just try it before you judge me.

Now, back to what I was saying about them contradicting their beliefs. When I looked around the room all I saw was natural resources, everywhere. There has to be at least one hundred thick books of hymns, and the same for the even thicker bibles. And do they not notice that everything else is built out of wood, thick wood, polished thick wood. As much as they think they are staying true to their religion, they are just destroying our world even more than it already is. Plus when we walked into the church this morning, the usher handed every single person a little 6 page schedule. Think about how many people come! If every one of them gets one, and then they probably just throw them away after. Do you know how much wasted paper that is?! Especially if they do that every week! What they could be doing that would be better is just staying at home and praying, you don’t need anything else.

One more thing before I bid you farewell, I don’t know how many churches or religions do this, but every church I’ve been to does this at some point. Donations. They pass around a bowl or something and ask for as much donations as possible. Wake up people!! It’s a scam! They are asking for your money so they can “better worship God” or something like that. Once again, look at it differently. They just want you to give money so they can buy more stuff (that will eventually destroy our once beautiful Earth) to “celebrate” the religion. Then they go buy snacks and everything so they can have a party where only the church goers can attend. They’re fake. If they weren’t, the pastors and priests would be able to make speeches up there without anything to look off of. They say it comes from their hearts, right? It doesn’t. It comes from a piece of paper that they typed up because they can’t remember all those speeches that they say for one reason only. To hypnotize you.

Well, that’s pretty much it. I just wanted to get that off my chest. And as cruel as I may have sounded, I really did not mean to offend anyone. I know I probably did because of my accusations and such and I’m sorry for that.
August 5th, 2010 at 08:55am