
theres a lot of types of ppl, but im only gonna descibe a few that i find particularly annoying...

THE FRIENEMY: sweet to your face, but a total backstabber and often acts emarrassed to be your so called "friend." (whatever, like theres not enough craziness in the world already loser! if you wanna be a fiend, be a friend, if its too much for you, then go the hell away!!!)

THE HEARTLESS PARTIER: the person who's super fun to party and hang out w/ but is mentall and/or emotionally unable to handle a serious conversation, so just ends up blowing you off. (then why do you even preted to like me, you jerk!)

THE KNOW-IT-ALL: thinks (excuse me, "knows") that everything you do is wrong, form the way you walk, dress, act, eat, smell, etc., etc., ETC.!!!! also thinks that they can do no wrong and your stupid for not being like them (if your so perfect, why dont you go save the world and leave me the freak alone!!!)

THE SELF-ABSORBED AIRHEAD: the one who either pretends to listen, or blatantly ignores you, then switches the conversation to themselves and not give a crap about how you feel. (well you can just go to....somewhere!!!)

these, in my opinion, are much worse than you normal, everyday, just flat out assholes, because at least you know they hate/dont care about you and they arent pretending otherwise

if you disagree, please say so, or if i forgot anyone, please bring it to my attention, cuz i feel like being mad at something today :)

have a great day!!!
August 5th, 2010 at 07:36pm