Quotes from Freshman Year.

Fistful of Assholes I hang with :)
Alex: Where are the Coronas?!
Alex: No those are their last names.
Darren: Come on. I'll try and hook you up, How old are you 15? 16? 17?
Me: 14.
Darren: DAMN. Are you serious? yeah you're not getting any action then.
CJ: I am wizard man; born and raised to lead the Klu Klux Klan
Apache: My mind is like a bottle of Jack and a dildo.
Person:We went from not hanging out to making plans to get drunk in the summer.
[[haha I love this chick]]
CJ: All you need is a little weed :)
Tanner: It's hotter than Satan's balls!
CJ: You're fake...and when you rap, you're soft like a cupcake.
Monica: How 'bout them Bears.
Niana: it's not footbal season, retard.
Darren: He's a cockblock man
Me: I like that word Cock -doses off-,
Esteban:Her Name Is Rhymy, Her Name Is Flowy, Her Name Is Godamn, Frickin Chloe. She Makes Me Smile, She Makes Me Laugh, She Always Reminds Me Of My Past, Always Innocent & Always Glad, But As For Me, I'm Simply Sad.
Nick: I hate our teacher; he's all like "I've been around the world and shit, to Africa and Russia; I fucking hate him,"
Me: Yeah he's getting annoying.
Nick: It's like he always talks about the stuff he did like "OH I went to Russia and the monkeys kissed me."
Niana: There was a squrriel with NO HEAD.
Monica: That's crazy voodoo, like something in a movie.
Me: Or Monica's House
Me; ESTEBAN! it's a space where your finger doesn't belong!
CJ: Are you at your house?
Me: No?
CJ:Well then bye, I needed someone to smoke with, thanks alot.
-calls again-
CJ: I'm at your house come down
Me:Im not there!
Monica: I fucking hate cats, I will kick a cat if I see one.
Niana: No you won't remember that cat you saw.
Monica (loud high pitched voice): IT WAS PREGNANT!!
Niana: No it was OLD and FAT,
Monica: NO IT WAS NOT.
Nick:Punk old bands are more annoying
Chloe:ew you like screamo?
Nick Alonzo:Yeah, but the ones that cry about thier life and love :P
Chloe :Seriously?
Nick Alonzo:No I'm joking, I like the ones that actually make sense
Monica Sandoval:i like the old punk bands. there kool! Omg chloe guess what i watched last night.
Nick Alonzo:Porn
Chloe :What did you watch?
Nick Alonzo:Porn
Chloe:Not you.
Nick Alonzo:Porn
Nick Alonzo:P-p-p-porn
Monica Sandoval:lol i watch erock n roll high school with the ramones!!! have uve seen it???? i thought u would love it!
Chloe: I did see it.I LOVE THAT MOVIE!
Nick Alonzo: Does that movie have any porn in it?
Me:Not entirely
Monica Sandoval:lol yeah i was watching it last night.. who do you think is the hottest??? i think johnny is the hottest! the one in green at the concert lol hehe
Nick Alonzo:Have you guys seen Summer Slaughter or Midnight Meat Train?
Monica Sandoval:no i havent seen any of those nick! what with you and porn lmao?!? haha
Chloe:OMG! My favorite is Johnny..well Dee Dee's ok also lol hehe
Monica Sandoval:lol haha eehh Dee Dee hes okay.... lol
Nick Alonzo:What's wrong with porn?
Chloe:I have the movie actually...i've had it for all long time haha
Nick Alonzo:You have a Porno? Oh Chloe can I borrow it?
Chloe:No dinklepuss. not porn
Chloe :how did we go from scremo emo to old punk music to porn to rock n roll high school to the hottest one to porn again??
Nick Alonzo:Do you have Ramones porn?
Chloe:LOL no.
--Gotta love Nick and Monica <3
William: "It doesn't matter how well it's played it's punk, it shouldn't be perfect.. and then as you walk off the stage stick up any finger of your choice and say screw the system"
Monica: I like bands that people won't listen to.
Me: Ahaha I do too, tell me anyways.
Monica: I listen to hmm...Ramones...Nirv...
Monica:hmm....Johnny your fave?
Me: OMG! YES!!! MONICA! You are my music soul mate!!...you like Johnny too?
Monica:Nahh, I like Joey.
(stare down)
Jo: How was volleyball?
Me: Good, I saw the hot guy.
Monica: Who?
Me: the guy whos hot!
Jo: Hey I gotta tell you something later
Me: is it about the hot guy??
Jo: No but about another guy...and there was two guys there..
Me: was the hot guy there??
Jo: NO!!!
Me: oh ok.
--10 seconds later
Me: Hey Niana....do you know the hot guy?
August 5th, 2010 at 10:55pm