My best friends mom keeps texting me.

So last night I got a text from my best friends mom at about 10:30 PM. Lets just call my best friend Jay just for the sake of privacy.

My best friend Jay has been fighting with his mother now for about a month and now lives with his father (his parents are divorced). I am both close to Jay and his mother but I feel as though they are trying to make me pick a side. I flat out refuse to do so because its not my business nor do I want to get caught up in THEIR drama. So how did all this madness start?

Jay's sister came into town. She has a child and Jay's mother does not approve of her parenting. They always get in fights about her parenting skills but this time it went a little too far. Their fight got to the point where Jay's mother threatened to call the cops on both Jay and his sister. Both of them made the ultimatum to just leave for their fathers house.

Which now leads us to why Jay's mother is constantly texting me. Shes encouraging me to convince Jay to move back with her. In fact she sent me about thirteen pages of texts last night. I decided to forward them to Jay.

At this point I just started shaking. I'm not sure why but I felt really uneasy about this whole situation. I mean his mother was really putting on the guilt trip but I knew better. There are two sides to every story and from what Jay told me about what his own mother said to Jay's sister, I was a little reluctant to even sympathize/feel bad for his mother.

About 12:00 AM I get a text from Jay apologizing for his mothers actions. Claiming that she is extremely desperate because he refuses to talk to her. I found out that Jay got in a fight with his mom because she was texting me. Jay's mom in return sent me an apology. At that point I just turned off my phone because I was tired of them both to be quite honest.

I wake up today feeling like a terrible person. I made the mistake of forwarding those texts to Jay when I should have just kept my mouth shut and just let his mother vent. At the same time I'm frustrated that I am being dragged in the middle of their drama. Honestly I dont want to be the person who brings them both down to the point where they both hate each other.

I have no clue what to do.
August 5th, 2010 at 11:18pm