I am crying

I am seriously crying right now. I never cry about my friends and this is my first time. We hardly get to hang out because her life sucks and she has to do everything.

When she is with her dad she is mentally or physically abused, she has to watch her half siblings, she can't sleep or eat. At her moms her moms boyfriend is a dick to her and her mom is when he's around. Her step siblings I guess you can call them get everything they want and get away with everything but she gets in trouble for the littliest things. She's grounded if she gets a grade under a 95.

Plus her boyfriend cheated on her with her best friend and broke up because of that, and now her ex boyfriend and ex best friend didn't even give some time before dating. And after they broke up the guys who she thought were her friends are asking for dirty pics and to make out.

She also has a friend and a relative dying.

She has no clue I was crying for her. I just wish she'd run away from home!
August 6th, 2010 at 05:07am