
You know what bothers me? I go to look for new stories and they're mostly fan-fiction! When did originality flee?
I've been working on a story since February, I mean granted it isn't amazing and I went on hiatus for like four months, but I have one comment. One measly comment and from my boyfriend no less. Very encouraging -_-
I don't expect people to read my work religiously or praise it as something amazing, I'd like feed-back though. Give me something you like, give me something you hate, tell me what I can improve on. Is the first chapter a good hook? Anything. Every fan-fiction gets like full stars within five chapters (depending on who the character is) and some of them are also poorly written. Now, I'm not saying fan-fiction isn't good or anything 'cause it's my guilty pleasure to read some fan-fiction once in a while. I'm just irked that 99% of the new stories are fan-fiction. Or if there's a new original fiction sometimes it's poorly written too.
I guess what I'm saying is that I'm tired of going and looking to the same authors for updates every day and most of them are on a hiatus themselves.

August 6th, 2010 at 06:39pm