About my story: Life As I Knew It

I will not be writing it anymore. I'm not even sure what drove me to write it in the first place, all I know is that I was in a dark place myself. Since then, I have gone through the tedious task of assessing who I am, how I got to be that person, and how I can get better.
It was all me, that was what my story was about, the names are fictional, but what happened isn't. If you truly are interested on how I would have ended it, you can ask, but it's impossible. The story won't truly end until I do. On that note, I am better and happier than I was when I began the story. I've adjusted, and I've come to terms with myself and what I've done (though I hadn't gotten that far in what I posted). I decided to write this journal so that you (the readers) aren't left hanging (like you have been for so long). But, that was all I wanted to say.
August 6th, 2010 at 07:48pm