In which: I explain how to accidently steal a jar and to get into my room.

I am in quite the ranting mood, I just feel like screaming at the wall for no particular reason at all....


I think that pencils should never, ever become blunt 'cause it's always a pain in the ass for me to find my sharpener....

I am currently in the middle of packing and my room is filled with boxes, so in order to reach my bed ~which is around a metre and a half away from the door~ you must do and awkward duck/frog manouver around the first box, step on the next, but only with one foot, there's a small patch of floor where you put your other foot and by now you're close enough to reach the bed if you sortof... jump and hop over three small boxes by placing your hands on the bed and... bounding in a cat-like fashion onto the bed...
This makes getting up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night quite a difficult procedure.

Did you know that... I have a jar?!
Yep, I do.
I accidently stole it from science today...
"How on earth did you accidently steal a jar?" You may ask, well, my friend Adrian was being a moron and decided to put a jar into my bag when I wasn't looking (mind you, this jar is rather large) and I didn't notice until I got home and tried to find my key under this big ass jar... I don't think I'll return this jar.... I like it.
Yep, I'm all rebelious like that, stealing jars.... Oh my.
I may fill it with random shit and make it look perdy....
My accidental jar that isn't really mine is most exellent, indeed.
Or turn it into a HUGE jar of jam... It wouln't fit on the shelves of the fridge, though...

I made one of THE worst typos when texting my mumsy, I wrote:

Sexcuse me!!!

Yep. I said sexcuse me... Needless to say mum texted back a " WTF?! Sexcuse?"

I want to hear about your bad typos....
I have found a new love.
Putting my cats into boxes and watching them try to escape.
It's simply hilarious!
I have dumb cats... How saddening.

I think it's tea time for me....
I loveth thee...

sails off into the sunset
August 7th, 2010 at 01:35am