lost love

A kid with a bad past and nothing to lose falls down a path of no return. his name is chad. chad was the kid u talk about things like hes useless he'll die young etc. chad had no one. his bestfriends were not really friends at all his family want nothing to do with him but he found some freedome in street racing. in time that leads him to heart ack also. chad has been on his own forever he grew up fast with street smarts he never needed anyone...untill her. she came in his life with theses few words. (do i know u) with them four words came a year and 3 months of love filled happyness,broken deams,help,and lots of ?s. but with all of the up and down he found something.... his control. after this girl said yes to chad her becan to slowly change for the better.he started to feel something he never felt before. he had no idea what it was he felt sick nervous and happy all at the same time. my friends he found love. but not just any love he found the one thing everyone looks for. true love. even tho chad found his true love and felt wanted more then he has ever in his life something was wrong... he was truly afride for the 1st time in his life. y? bc chad never had to show love that was new to him. he had no idea how to keep this girl he loved so much in his life.he shocked himself at first bc he seemed to be doing ok. but life got crazy for chad. working 16 days a week,looking for a second job,best friend dieing,fights,family, and health issuses lead chad into a anger steam he had a hard time swimming out of.he did take it out on his love alot and beleave me he felt bad about it every single nyt.even tho he loved this girl with everylast drop in his body the anger was keeping him from showing her that. but he wanted her to stay with him so he set out to make her proud.. the one thing he could never do with anyone in his life but he gave it a shot. chad started getting ideas like working two jobs or staying up late everynyt to hear from her even if he was dog tired. he would tell her hes doing these thing for her. not to make it sound like hes having shitty days bc of her but to make her really know how important she is to him and no matter how hard he has to work or how long he had to stay awake or even how far he had to go he would bc he knew she was the one.
chapter 2 coming soon
August 7th, 2010 at 03:53am