Life is nothing but a big disappointment

Have you ever had that one thing you wanted most, and you all week you did everything you could to make it happen, only to have it go away at the last minute? Whether it be that new toy when you were six, a car, a friend coming over, etc. Has it ever happened to you?

I'm not trying to whine, don't get me wrong. But I've been planning this for a week. I never have this opportunity between work and home thesedays, and it finally worked out.

School starts next week and I got my check thursday. What does that mean? Time to blow it! ANd whats better than blowing your check? Blowing it at the mall with your friend. What's better than that? Making it a sleepover.

So I invited my bestfriend over and my parents gave me one condition. Keep the house clean Now normally this isn't such a big thing, just a few things to keep up, make sure the house is nice, dishes get done, and trash gets taken out. But when you live with my two younger sisters.. well.. lets just say its that times.. a million.

But I accepted my parents terms. I haven't had a friend over in.. well atleast three years. So yeah, it was a big deal for me. Not only that but I haven't seen any of my friends since the beginning of summer.

So I cleaned, and I tidied, and today, ten minutes before my mom was due home from work, I tore my ass through the house, cleaning up the bomb my sisters had just set off. Everything was sparkling clean... still is.

But then I get a phone call just as I'm waiting for her to pull up. "I have bad news..." Shit... Is she in trouble? "My mom and [edit name out] aren't home and mom won't come to take me over there, I can't stay the night."

Well can we come pick you up? I asked. She hung up and called her mom to see what she said.

"No. She won't answer at all.. Sorry.. she's just bein a bitch about it." I say its fine, not her fault.. We chat a little, plan a time for her to come by tomorrow morning so we can get some shopping in before i go to work then hang up.

The way I'm feeling right now is boardering on depressed. And I know it shouldn't affect me as much as it is.. But I had my hopes up so high. I was damned CERTAIN I'd be able to catch up with my best friend, my sister.. and my world came crashing down.

I should have expected it.. ya know? Her mom has always been like this, as long as I've known my friend. I stayed the night at her house, and she got bitched out for TWO HOURS, while I was there! About shit that she shouldn't even be bitched at about. WHAT THE HELL?

So yeah.. I know I'm just kinda rambling.. but I needed to get this out.. I just.. gah. What else can I say? I wanted this to happen and I'm left... disappointed..
August 7th, 2010 at 04:40am